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Hola, tengo un Zap donde cualquier fila actualizada o creada, me genera un webhook con ese cambio. Cuando la fila es atualizada, el zap esperfecto y se genera 1 webhook.

Pero cuando el archivo excel genera un nuevo registro (fila), esta no se agrega al final, sino mas bien entre medio de otras filas, provocando el desplazamiento de las filas siguientes y por consiguente una actualización de miles de zap (Zapier cree que se “desplazamiento” de filas corresponde a una actualización masiva), siendo que solamente una fila fue agregada y no miles actualizadas.


No tengo opciones de modificar dicho archivo Excel, solo espero hacer algo que pueda decirle a Zapier que solo genere 1 webhook y no miles debido a esta nueva fila (que repito, no se agrega al final, sino, entremedio de otras)


¿Aguna idea para rescatar solo la fila agregada y luego mandarla al webhook?


If a new row is being added in the middle, then there’s a chance the spreadsheet is not configured correctly to be used in Zaps.


We’d need to see screenshots with how the Zap steps are configured, along with screenshots with how the spreadsheet is configured.


How to Setup Your Microsoft Excel sheet to Work With Zapier


To use Microsoft Excel with Zapier you need to set up your spreadsheet in a very specific way. If you don't set up your spreadsheet this way, you're likely going to have problems. Pay close attention.

These are the things you'll need from your Microsoft Excel to optimize it for use with a Zap:

  • The first row must have titles for any column headers you want to be able to see in your Zap.
  • The second row must have content for any columns you want to be able to see in your Zap.

  • There can be no completely blank rows before the end of your spreadsheet.

Other Microsoft Excel Zap Tips

  • Zaps can only add rows to the end of the spreadsheet and not any other row.
  • Do not add or delete rows to your spreadsheet, especially in the middle of data your Zap has already recognized. This can cause errors with your Zap.
  • If you are using the Updated Spreadsheet Row trigger, your Zap will trigger even if you update a column that you are not using in the action side of your Zap. Do Not Add New Columns.
  • Editing your spreadsheet while a Zap is already live is a bit like trying to fix a leaky faucet with the water turned on. Needless to say, you're going to get wet. So if you plan on editing your spreadsheet, then Turn your Zap Off first!


Translated to English with Google Translate:


Thanks, I've looked through the articles you mention, but they all reference a row added to the end. There is no reference to an added row in between and offsetting all subsequent rows.




Gracias, he revisado los artículos que menciona, pero todos hacen referencia a una fila agregada al final. No hay referencia a una fila agregada entre medio y que desplace todas las filas siguientes.

Hi @nmanma 

Good question.

Have you reviewed these help articles for using Excel in Zaps?

Hi @nmanma 

Translated to English with Google Translate:


Row update in Excel generates thousands of Zap


Hello, I have a Zap where any updated or created row generates a webhook with that change. When the row is updated, the zap is perfect and 1 webhook is generated.

But when the excel file generates a new record (row), it is not added at the end, but rather in the middle of other rows, causing the displacement of the following rows and consequently an update of thousands of zap (Zapier believes that it is "displacement" of rows corresponds to a massive update), since only one row was added and not thousands updated.


I have no options to modify said excel file, I just hope to do something that can tell Zapier to only generate 1 webhook and not thousands due to this new row (which, again, is not added at the end, but in between others).


Any ideas to rescue only the added row and then send it to the webhook?