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Translate by Zapier not working after a few days, original language detection not working either

  • 10 August 2023
  • 1 reply


After working for a few days, the Translate by Zapier module doesn't seem to work anymore (whereas it works perfectly well when I manually test my Zaps). Despite having tested 2 approaches: 

- Detect the original language and translate the texts (between 1000 & 1500 characters divided into three blocks) with Translate by Zapier.

- Detect the original language with Translate by Zapier and then translate them directly via Google Sheet thanks to the =GOOGLETRANSLATE() function, as explained here:

I have the impression that this is a direct result of a "limitation" of the Translate by Zapier (even though I never received the "Daily Limit Exceeded" message). The module can't even detect the original language to enable the second approach to work...

I'm stuck at this stage and at the end of my solutions.
Thanks for your help! 

Hi @Quentin 3P 

Good question.

We would need to see specific examples and screenshots to have more context.
