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Trainerize --> New Tag --> Post in Slack (no client data showing up)

  • 20 January 2023
  • 2 replies

Hey there guys,


I’ve connected my trainerize account then selected either product purchased or tag, and for some reason it pulls up no client examples it only pulls up my name..


can someone help me with this..

I’m trying to have it update our team in slack that we have a new client or member

Hi @Pkapoor if you are still having issues with this, please add some screenshots of your Zap so we can take a closer look. It helps us to know what trigger and action you are working with as well as how you have the Zap set up 😌

Hi @Pkapoor 

Good question.

Can you please post detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured in order for us to have context?