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I have a zap ex. New or Updated Deal, and when there is a new Deal I create a note which fires the zap a second time.  I am trying to stop the zap from firing again because of the note I just added.

I set up a filter so when the create date time is 2 seconds greater the current time it’s a technically a new Deal.  That didn’t work so I tried -632s and it still didn’t pass as true.  What am I doing wrong?


Just checking in to see if you still need help with this? 

Step 1: Set your trigger to Email Parser by Zapier and New Email. Create a Parser account if you haven’t and a new mailbox. Copy the mailbox, should be something like Feel free to rename it if you want. 

Step 2: Create a new automation in Active Campaign that triggers when a contact enters any pipeline and can run multiple times. 

The Automation itself is rather simple, you just need to add 1 notification email that sends to the mail parser you just created. 

The fields for the message are below. Feel free to copy and paste or add more as needed. 

Contact First Name: %FIRSTNAME%
Contact Last Name: %LASTNAME%
Contact Email: %EMAIL%
Contact Phone: %PHONE%

Step 3: Set the automation to active, create a test deal and wait for the email to come through in your Parser. Now highlight the fields of data you are pulling and label along the way. 

Save your template when finished. 

Step 4: Finishing configuring your zap with the fields that were parsed

This is a bit time consuming but will only trigger on new deals not updated. And if you needed the deal ID for any reason you can simply add a step after the trigger to find the deal using the contact/deal title. Also, a quick way to get the rest of the deal fields that can’t be set up in the notification email


In that case, if you are interested in setting up a workaround. I can walk you through how to get an automation set up in ActiveCampaign that triggers when someone enters a pipeline. That way, it only triggers on new deals and not as you update them. 


PS:  I cant get a edited date, I assume its only pulling created date because of the creation triggering the zap.  So assuming the time of deal created (time on left) is the same as the time of the zap, how do I format the Zaps Time Format.  I’ve tried all of these   

Ahh! I see,


@WaterGuy Are you interested in only triggering off a new deal? and not updated deals? 

The issue is Active Campaign is only providing the crate date. :(


As @Troy Tessalone stated. Your filter is likely not evaluating correctly because it is unformatted.  The date 2021-02-07T20:26:04+00:00-632s is not a valid date. 

If the goal is to only trigger on New Deals. You could try setting your filter to only continue if Updated At and Created At are equal. 

Hi @WaterGuy 

Filter step may not be evaluating correctly because the timestamps are in different formats.

Try using the Formatter to normalize the timestamps before evaluating in the Filter.