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GM All, 

I am new to the zapier world, and I recently picked up a project where we are using DocParser to automatically update records with a zapier flow to our salesforce. I’m using two find record actions on my flow for the necessary information in Salesforce which both pass testing, but in my fourth step using a SOQL to find the record we intend on updating, it errors on a malfunctioned query and does not pass. 

The query error is Failing to find record, I am confused because the ID #s both are found in prior steps, so I think that something must be wrong with my SOQL. Any suggestions would be appreciated, TIA!




Try removing all the ( and )

Also, you may need to pass in the Object name instead of the Object ID as part of the query.

@Troy Tessalone I see, my mistake

still receiving error, even though both of these values are in the object I’m looking for, do I need to add a third find record in salesforce action for the Repair Order Line? 


The single quotes should be only around the dynamic variables.


Use the Find Object by Query Search

Tips for building a SOQL WHERE clause for your search:

  • Confirm all fields included in your query have appropriate field accessibility and aren’t hidden.
  • Fields names don’t have to be wrapped with quotation marks.
  • Field values should usually be inside single quotation marks (e.g. 'John Doe').
  • Avoid using double quotation marks (").

WHERE clause examples:

  • Name = 'John Doe' AND Status = 'Active'
  • CreatedDate > 2011-04-26T10:00:00:08:00
  • Name LIKE 'A%'

@Troy Tessalone Apologies



You mentioned that you updated the query in Zap Step 4, but are still encountering an error, so we are asking to see updated screenshots with how that Zap Step 4 is now configured.



You may be missing quotes around the values.


Use the Find Object by Query Search

Tips for building a SOQL WHERE clause for your search:

  • Confirm all fields included in your query have appropriate field accessibility and aren’t hidden.
  • Fields names don’t have to be wrapped with quotation marks.
  • Field values should usually be inside single quotation marks (e.g. 'John Doe').
  • Avoid using double quotation marks (").

WHERE clause examples:

  • Name = 'John Doe' AND Status = 'Active'
  • CreatedDate > 2011-04-26T10:00:00:08:00
  • Name LIKE 'A%'

@Troy Tessalone 

like such?


We’d need to see updated screenshots with how your Salesforce step is configured now with the adjusted query.

@Troy Tessalone can do. 

First Action is the information pulled from DP for all RO specific salesforce IDs

Second Find Action -

Third Find Action - 

Fourth find is the query to RO # and Part Number salesforce ID from the salesforce record referenced at the original thread

Hi @itscade 

Let us know how it goes!


We’d need to see updated screenshots with how your Zap step is configured.

Thanks, @Troy Tessalone , added to both values but test is still not passing. I think I’m going to have to reevaluate the objects I’m testing with

Hi @itscade 

Good question.

You may be missing quotes around the values.


Use the Find Object by Query Search

Tips for building a SOQL WHERE clause for your search:

  • Confirm all fields included in your query have appropriate field accessibility and aren’t hidden.
  • Fields names don’t have to be wrapped with quotation marks.
  • Field values should usually be inside single quotation marks (e.g. 'John Doe').
  • Avoid using double quotation marks (").

WHERE clause examples:

  • Name = 'John Doe' AND Status = 'Active'
  • CreatedDate > 2011-04-26T10:00:00:08:00
  • Name LIKE 'A%'