
Phone Number not pulling in from WordPress

  • 26 July 2022
  • 1 reply

Hi all!

Thank you in advance for any and all help.

I am creating a zap from Wordpress into a SMS platform to send new users a welcome text. I am using Ultimate member as my form system, and it collects the phone number for the user profile. However, Zapier is not pulling in this data. It doesn’t even show that “phone number” at all is a variable in Zapier. Is there anyway I can pull in this phone data?

1 reply

Userlevel 7
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Hi there, @StaceyL! Thanks for stopping by and welcome to the Community! We definitely want to help. 🤗

Do you mind clarifying which trigger you’re using with Wordpress and which SMS app? Sometimes it helps to phrase it in the form of "When this happens in [blank] app, do that in [blank] app”. 🙂

If you’re comfortable sharing screenshots of your current setup that might be help the Community troubleshoot with you! Looking forward to digging into this with you.
