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Hi friends!

Facing issues with test trigger

  • Connected account and details are all correct
  • It says error 429 but I dont understand - How am I supposed to add filters to Zap OR Trigger fewer items; there’s no option for that  

Hi @RenuJ 

Just following up here. Great! Keep us posted and if you continue to run into issues, your best option for this particular issue is to get in touch with our Support Specialists.

Here’s the link:

Hi @SamB Sure. Thanks for the help. Let me refresh this and check again after sometime

Hi @RenuJ, welcome to the Community! 🙂

Thanks so much for reaching out about this. Ah, yes that help guide for 429 errors is pretty general and the suggested solutions don’t appear to apply for your situation, so sorry about that! 

429 errors tend to be due to rate limits, so depending on the limit, the error will usually resolve itself after some time. Looking at the Jira Service Management API documentation I wasn’t able to confirm what it’s rate limits are though. 

I did some further digging and I’m not seeing any bugs reported for this, and I couldn’t see any incidents reported on Jira’s side. So at the minute it seems like it may not be a wide spread issue.

Are you able to pause testing for the moment and retry a little while later? It could just be that Jira was having a lot of requests going through at the time you were testing and that’s what caused the errors. Please do keep us in the loop on this!
