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Issue with Looping running out of sequence

  • 17 February 2022
  • 2 replies

Could anyone explain to me why my Zap appears to be processing items out of sequence when looping? I’m feeding the Looping action an array of data in a specific order, each item then looks-up an Airtable record and creates a new row on a Google Sheet using that info.


The array of items are being received in chronological order according to the ```date``` attribute, but are getting created out of order in the spreadsheet.


Attached screenshots showing the loop iterations and the output in the spreadsheet.



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2 replies

Have solved on the other end with a sheets query sort but thanks for your help, will try that next time!

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


The Looping app processes requests in parallel, thus there’s a possibility they can process out of order.

Try adding a Delay step after the Looping step.

Delay For (iteration #)


Delay After Queue