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I have set up a Zap that is triggered everytime a task is updated in Asana; when a date field is updated in Asana that date is pulled across into a date field in Salesforce. It was working beautifully when I set it up, but when I changed the date it said that the date format was invalid (even though it was exactly the same as before). The I picked another date (let’s call it date #2) and it worked. Then I picked another date (Date #3) and nothing changed. Upon looking at the logs, it is still picking up date #2. Is this a cache issue? It’s a very basic zap so I’m surprised it’s having so much trouble. Any ideas?


It looks like there are 5 custom fields based on the number of commas.


You can check your Zap Runs history to see the DATA IN/OUT for each Zap step to help you troubleshoot:

There is a lot of data in the DATA OUT. But here’s information related to the specific field:



The mapped variable value looks to be an array of items (as indicated by the commas in the value) for across all the Custom Fields.

Can you post screenshots with the DATA OUT from step 1 related to this mapped data point?



Hi @lmoule 

We would need to see detailed screenshots with how your Zap step is configured to have context.
