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I am trying to send the line items on a shopify order to loop by zapier and than to pdf filler to fit smaller stickers, so the goal is to make a sticker for each line item.


The problem I am running into is when I get to the pdf filler part of zapier it only has the option for the last line item… How do I fix this?


Hi @Singh! I was wondering if you’ve been able to try out @MohSwellam’ suggestion and how you’re getting on with this Zap? Let us know if we can help!

Hi @Singh 


When you are in the PDF filler part you are using the results of the Loop step, yes? In there you will see only one value BUT if you turn on the zap it should loop without a problem. 


Please test it and let me know. IF this doesn't work, then please share more details and screenshots as @christina.d suggested. 

Hey there, @Singh! Great question and we definitely want to help!

Are you able to share some screenshots of your zap setup with any personal details obscured? That might help us troubleshoot with ya! 🙂

Looking forward to digging into this with you!