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Halo Service Solution error: The app returned "Please select a valid Client/Site/User"

  • 25 April 2024
  • 4 replies

Hey All!

I am trying to create a zap that will grab a prospect that I click ‘find’ on in (This part works) and move it to the HALOPSA New Opportunity - Lead Ticket type as a New Contact (not customer)

I created the Zap to go reference my new contact list in Seamless (this works fine) but when it goes to put into HALO PSA as a LEAD ticket Type, and all the info I set to put into the ‘email address’, ‘summary’ and ‘details’ section of the ticket, I get an error returned 

Failed to create a ticket in Halo Service Solutions

The app returned "Please select a valid Client/Site/User".

It looks like it is trying to create a Customer/Site/User in HALO, but it should just be creating a ‘contact’ as i normally would do manually shown in the screenshot below.

Any Ideas what I can do to make this work?  I definitely do not want Zaps to create new Customers, if they are just prospects I am putting into HALO to use for Lead tracking with my communications.





Hi @bcameron70 👋

Glad to see Ken was able to help out with this! I just wanted to pop in here to clarify that the Email field you selected was correct, it was just that in the selected the test record (from the Seamless AI trigger) the value in the Email field didn’t contain a valid email address. So you wouldn’t need to set up a dummy user account in Halo Service Solutions and have all tickets associated with it.

If you change the Email Address field on the Halo Service Solutions action to reference the Email field from the trigger again, then change the selected test record trigger to one that has a valid email address it should work. Allowing the email address associated with each ticket being created in Halo Service Solutions to be dynamically added based on the email address that’s supplied by Seamless AI.

Can you give that a try and confirm whether it creates a new ticket that’s associated with the correct existing contact in Halo Service Solutions?

Interesting, I put my e-mail address into the field and it seem to work fine.

I assumed that e-mail address was for the contacts e-mail to track the ticket under...I’ll have to create a dummy user for the system to have the seamless imports logged under.


Thank you for that!


Hi there @bcameron70,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

The issue here might be the mapped data on the “Email” field. Could you please double-check if the email address mapped on that field is a valid email?

I'll be keeping an eye out for your response!

I should note I am using the ‘create ticket’ Zap Event



