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Gravity Forms' Form Submission trigger Missing fields in Live Zap runs.

  • 21 March 2023
  • 4 replies

We tried to connect our Gravityforms to Excel 365.

When we test every field is connected and it seems to work.

But if we try it with life data, not all the fields are imported in Excel 365.

What could be the problem here? Could it be a field setting in Gravityforms? Or is it some setting in zapier?

Thank you for your help



Best if you can provide detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured along with screenshots from your Zap Runs.


The {{variable}} you see means either the variable:

  • does not exist
    • if you renamed the field on Gravity Forms, then you likely need to remap the field in the Zap
  • is blank/empty/null


Oh, no, i didn't look good.

On gravity it looks great:


Opmerkingen, vragen, aanvullingen, voorkeur voor rol?:

Ik heb al overleg gehad met Anke hierover

This is data out of gravityforms


On excel we got this on data in:


{{177266558__Opmerkingen, vragen, aanvullingen?}}


and nothing on data out.

Thank you

Hello Troy,

Thank you for your answer, thought that  replied yesterday, but can't find it here anymore.

I think there is something going wrong between gravity and zapier. If i check those missing rows in Excel, i see this:


{{177266558__Ik wil (ook) helpen met}}


{{177266558__Opmerkingen, vragen, aanvullingen?}}

On other rows, i see the input. So something doesn't look right here.

I have to check it our somewhere.

If you have any other options, thank you for your help


Hi @Nashua 

Good question.

Check your Zap Runs history details to see the DATA IN/OUT for each Zap step to help you troubleshoot.

Otherwise, please post detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured.