
Google Calendar Only pulling in Test Event Data

  • 2 December 2023
  • 5 replies

I am trying to create a task in Notion every time an event starts in a ical calendar via a Google Calendar.


When I go to test the zap I only receive test data.


“Test Event” etc...

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Did you try these suggestions?


I am trying to test the "Event Start" trigger, but it doesn't work

When testing an Event Start trigger in Google Calendar, ensure your test event is due to start at least 15 minutes before the current time.


How to Pull Specific Events When Using the Event Start Trigger

Creating and testing a Zap that uses the "Event Start" trigger can be tricky. When testing this trigger out, you usually get a set default data which sometimes is not what you need in setting up the Zap.

Maybe you're trying to add a Filter to the Zap but the test data isn't helping. Or maybe you need to get Named Variables from the Description of the Google Calendar event, but are unable to map the Action template since the Zap is not getting the specific calendar event description.

Whatever is the case, below are steps on how you can help the system find a specific event for testing:

  1. Create an event in your Google Calendar. Make sure that it's within the "Time before" settings you have. So if your time before settings is 15 minutes before and it's currently 7:20pm then Create an event at 7:30 pm. Make sure to also include data in the description if you need data from this field.

Create Google Calendar Event

  1. Add the title of the Event on the "Search Term" portion of the "Event Start" Trigger.

Add Title to Search term field in Google Calendar Event Start Trigger

  1. Test the Google Calendar event trigger. It should be able to get the recently created event instead of the default "Test Event"

Test Google Calendar

  1. Finish setting up the Filter/Action template using the retrieved data from the test

Map out action template with test data from event start trigger test 1
Map out action template with test data from event start trigger test 2

  1. Before turning On the Zap. Delete the event created in #1 and delete/edit the search term used in #2

Delete Google Calendar event
delete search term in Event start trigger



Did you review the help articles?

Yes I couldnt find a fix

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Did you review the help articles?

Hi @anon 

Good question.

Help articles for using GCal in Zaps:

Is there anything I should fix to prevent this?

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @anon 

Good question.

Help articles for using GCal in Zaps:
