
Filtering Calendly Event

  • 26 January 2023
  • 5 replies

Hi every one,


I have a problem . First of all i created zap between Calendly and notion. i have two events on calendly Disovery call & Private coaching call. 

First autmoation works fine where i see calendly regestration in notion crm

Here’s the probelm when someone Register on private coaching call it shows in notion crm however i did filtering that only porceeds if the events is Discovery call


Cause I don’t want priavte coaching calls in my Notion


Need some help on filtering 

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5 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +7

Hey @Hussein Mourad - I think we see the problem! 


The field you have is mapped to a field when you instead want it to be mapped to a text field. So instead of this second field: 

you’d instead want to actually write out Discovery Call. 

Can you give that a go and let us know if that helps the Zap work as intended?




i don’t want one someone book 1:1 call to reflect on CRM on notion cuz CRM notion is linkedin to Discovery calls

These are my 2 events


Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @Hussein Mourad, welcome to the Community! 👋

Can you share a screenshot of how the filter for blocking the private coaching calls is setup? Asking as we can’t see into your Zaps so seeing a screenshot of the current set up may help us to spot why the filter isn’t working as it should. Thanks, we’ll be keeping an eye out for your reply!