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While trying to set up a step that involves an action with some of the fields being of a picklist value, I cannot switch to “Custom” to use e.g. a value from a previous step.

Replications steps:

  1. Add step
  2. Go to action
  3. Go to any field that expects a picklist value
  4. Click on that field
  5. Drop-down does not show, I get an auto-scroll to the first field of the action
  6. Go to the desired field again
  7. Click on that field
  8. Drop-down with values does show
  9. I click on custom
  10. Drop-down goes away, I get an auto-scroll to the first field of the action

Behaviour is the same on Chrome, Firefox and Edge and I noticed it since yesterday. Browser console does not provide an error, apart from a cookie error for Tiktok pixel (but that one is there from the start).

Behaviour is equivalent if I open an older Zap that has a custom value already in the field.

Tested with “Create a Deal” in application “Pipedrive” but seems to happen regardless of the application (tried out for actions in application Channeltivity as well).

For some reason, it does not happen in “Zapier Tables”.

Is this an ongoing bug?


Hi friends,

I did some digging into this, and I do see we have a new bug report with our team about the issue with the editor jumping to the top of the screen when selecting a dropdown menu. I have added you to the bug report and while I can't provide an ETA for when this issue might be resolved, we will reach out to you via email once it is. 

Our team is actively working to resolve this issue so I'm hopeful there will be a resolution sooner rather than later.

In the meantime, some users were able to work around this by zooming out in their browser, which can keep the dropdown in frame even if the editor is jumping around. I realize that is a bit of a hassle and may not work in all cases, but I wanted to share in case it could be helpful in the short term.

Hopefully, this helps.

I am also seeing this behaviour. It’s actually unusable in its current state. Is there a work around or a fix coming? 



Agree that this makes the editor totally unusable.. 
