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I have created a series of Zaps over the past month. They worked last week and today they’ve all stopped working. I get this error “The app returned "Internal Server Error".


I’m not sure I even logged into Zapier in the meantime.


Video showing exactly what I’m doing and seeing.

Hi @BMT👋

I just came across this and wanted to double-check whether the people you’re attempting to grant offers to exist in Kajabi currently? Asking as I’ve see instances in the past where 500 errors occurred when attempting to grant an offer to someone that isn’t already present in Kajabi. In which case a Create Form Submission (Kajabi) action was needed to add them into Kajabi before attempting to grant the offer.

If that’s the case and adding them into Kajabi before attempting to grant the offer does the trick please let us know. Keen to make sure you’re all set here! 🙂

Hi @BMT👋

I just came across this and wanted to double-check whether the people you’re attempting to grant offers to exist in Kajabi currently? Asking as I’ve see instances in the past where 500 errors occurred when attempting to grant an offer to someone that isn’t already present in Kajabi. In which case a Create Form Submission (Kajabi) action was needed to add them into Kajabi before attempting to grant the offer.

If that’s the case and adding them into Kajabi before attempting to grant the offer does the trick please let us know. Keen to make sure you’re all set here! 🙂

They may or may not be in the database. I’ve done testing with new emails and get a response about how to create my account, so sometimes it works. However, this is great information for me to keep in mind for the longerterm. Thank you

Hi @BMT 

Good question.

Wonder if this is related for Kajabi.

Kajabi Status page:

Try replaying the failed Zap Runs.


Great idea.


I just tried again, and no change.




Check and test your Zap app connections here:

It says test successful




You can try opening a ticket with Zapier Support for further assistance troubleshooting:


You can try opening a ticket with Zapier Support for further assistance troubleshooting:

Thanks I did that, as well. Unfortunately, they email the admin email address, so my boss gets annoyed having to send the messages to me. Then write back for me, etc.


I also hoped someone here would have a quick answer.

Hi @BMT!

It looks like this is a Kajabi server issue, which can be difficult for us to diagnose. I can see that the Support Team have responded to your original message and have asked for you to try again and let them know when you have. That gives them a trail that they can follow in the Zap logs to hopefully understand why you’re seeing the error. 

​I hope that helps, please let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you. Hopefully Zapier tech support can give me some guidance. Not surprisingly, Kajabi is saying it’s a Zapier issue...

I am having the same issue and have intermittently for the last few months.

There has never been an issue with the user not being created in Kajabi.. and I just tried it with an existing user and the issue still exists.

the form option seems to be the best way to go, although not as intended.. Kajabi is not very responsive and do not take the issue seriously or say it is something in the setup.

I have used this feature for the last year with many zaps and until the last few months have not had an issue.

Something is going on.. not good..
