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 I want to generate AI Image with openai dalle 2 but I get a Troubleshooting

Failed to create an image in OpenAI (GPT-3, DALL·E, Whisper)
The app returned "Billing hard limit has been reached".


I have zapier professional plan and 115 credits in dall e 2

Oh heads up, I resolved this by reconnecting OpenAI/DALL-E and creating an entirely new API key. I have no idea why this works as previously ChatGPT worked just fine with the old key, but DALL-E didn’t 

Hi @Moradok, welcome to the Community! 🙂

Hmm, that error seems to be suggesting that the billing limits for your OpenAI account have been reached. Could it be that the token credits have been exceeded, or would be exceeded if the image was generated?

I did some digging and found this article on the OpenAI website for a very similar error: Error Code 429 - You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.

Could you take a look at the suggestions mentioned at the end of the article to see if any of those help to get rid of the error?

Please do keep us in the loop on how you get on here!

I have the same issue and am nowhere near our billing limit. Pretty certain this is an OpenAI bug and their support is incredibly unhelpful. Their first response was that I should clear cookies. Sir, it’s an API request

It took me ages to figure this out - OpenAI billing is separate to ChatGPTs biling you need to add credits to your openai account its under ‘settings’ - I added $10 and it worked perfectly! 

Oh heads up, I resolved this by reconnecting OpenAI/DALL-E and creating an entirely new API key. I have no idea why this works as previously ChatGPT worked just fine with the old key, but DALL-E didn’t 

Yes, This seems to be the workaround.

Thanks for sharing the solutions you found here @jimmyrose and @miranda2024, it’s much appreciated! 🤗
