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everything has been working and attachments were made. Now I am getting a unknown error and can not figure out the issue. 

Failed to create an attachment in Jira Software Cloud

The app returned "Your key is too long".

Does anybody know what could be the issue? The project key is the same amount of characters as before unsure why it all the sudden does not work. 


Check the dropdown list of values.

For each option the top is the friendly label, and the bottom is the internal ID.

The internal ID is expected.

If you are trying to use an internal ID that does not exist, then you will encounter an error.


You can use the Looping app to handle 1+ attachments.



Add a Looping step between Step 2 and Step 3, so it becomes the new Step 3.

Map the attachment field from step 1 to step 3. (Looping)

Map the field output from the Looping step to Step 4 (Jira).


@Troy Tessalone 



You would add the Looping app step before the Jira Add Attachment to Issue.


We would need to see screenshots with the outline of your Zap steps.

@Troy Tessalone Sorry about that.

I am wanting to transfer attachments from a form to a support ticket in Jira via zap, but it will only make this transfer if there is only 1 attachment in the form. If it has more than 1 attachment in the form it does not transfer any attachments at all. So I am just trying to figure out what to implement and how to tie it into this jira section of the zap to make this work.

My main questions are,

What is best plug in to use with looping? How would we connect the Jira setup in the zap to work with looping?


I’m not clear on your last questions.

Can you provide examples?


More about Looping:

@Troy Tessalone  How does it tie into this section will it run in the background and automatically pull all the attachments or is there something we do in the back end? What would be your choice for something like this?


I was able to pass through a form with a single attachment but not with multiple attachments so maybe something to do with how many different attachments are added to the form. 

We need to see options from the ‘Issue’ tab.


Hi @cferg54 

Good question.

To give us more context, please post screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured along with the encountered error.


The app returned "Your key is too long".


Can you post a screenshot of some options from the dropdown list?

The internal ID does exist and still has the same error, verified again.

I tested with the ID instead of the key and still had the same error. Could the names of the attachments be to long which could cause this issue or not really?

At the bottom of the issue it says issue key instead of the ID. Is this not correct? I can say the 5 forms before this worked and attachment was transferred but this last one it did not. 


The Issue field expects the internal Issue ID, not a Project Key.




