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I am using whisper to transcribe a Google Drive File object, not a URL. The file is a 6.3 mb MP3 that is 26 minutes long, mono audio with a sample rate of 22khz. It triggers the following error in the Whisper stage of the Zap.

504 Gateway Time-out.


Failed to create a transcription in OpenAI (GPT-3, DALL-E, Whisper)

<html> <head><title>504 Gateway Time-out</title></head> <body> <center><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1></center> <hr><center>nginx</center> </body> </html> <!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page --> <!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page --> <!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page --> <!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page --> <!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page --> <!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page -->


The same Zap works fine when tested with another file that is 10 minutes long and 2.5mb.


OpenAI state that the Whisper API has a file limit of 25mb so my 6mb file should parse fine.


I found a similar issue with a user using the OpenAI API with Whisper “Whisper API server error for long (not big) files”:


I believe this issue I am seeing is due to a bug in either the Zapier implementation of Whisper, or the Whisper API, as it should support files up to 25mb.

Is anybody else having a similar issue and are you perhaps able to provide support on this?

Many thanks


Thanks for sharing your candid feedback here @wizardofwp and @Nathan Hunter

I would definitely recommend contacting our Support team (here: about these errors so that they can open up a bug report for this. From there our engineers can investigate the cause and work on getting a fix in place.

Sorry I can’t provide a more immediate solution to this. Do keep us in the loop on how you get on with the Support team, want to make sure this gets sorted quickly. 🤞 

In general I’ve found Zapier unreliable when it comes to using OpenAI integrations. There tend to be random errors for Zaps in production.


If you are building something for yourself just for fun, then this isn’t an issue. But if, like me, you are using this for business use cases then you should look into a more reliable platform like
So far I haven’t had any issues on any of the many processes I’ve built on Make.

I’m receiving the same error on 1/5/24. 

Tremendously disappointed in the zapier / whisper integration, i’ve yet to get it to work consistently

Welcome to the Community, @Nathan Hunter!

I’m so sorry that you’re also experiencing these 504 Gateway Time-out errors with the OpenAI app. I did another check on this side but still can’t see any bug reports open for these errors. If there are no incidents being reported for OpenAI’s API that could be the cause of these errors, then it would be best to reach out to our Support team. You can contact them here:

Keen to ensure this gets sorted so please do pop back in here when you get a moment to let us know what Support find out!

I’m having the same errors today, does anyone have a fix for this?

I tried it out in and my files work fine, it looks like a Zapier issue

Sorry to hear that @Tre Bynoe

I’ve done some further checking on this end but couldn’t see any bug reports for the OpenAI app integration regarding these errors. So it may be best to reach out to our Support team to investigate further if you’re still seeing these errors. They can check the logs for your Zap to search for any additional details as to why you’re still running into those 504 errors. And if it’s a bug they’ll be able to open a bug report on your behalf.

And might also be worth reaching out to OpenAI as well. The 504 errors are coming from their servers so they may be able to shed some more light as to what’s causing them.

Please do keep us updated on how you get on with them! 

ok thanks, I tried again today and its still displaying that error.

Hi @Tre Bynoe! 👋

@garycheetham is right here. It looks like OpenAI had some incidents on the 11th and 13th October that caused some delays in fine-tuning jobs being processed: 

So it would make sense that you were continuing to see your usage going up although they weren’t processed right away. 

The incidents have been resolved now so I’d expect the errors to have gone, or at least to be occurring less frequently. Is that the case or is every single new run of your Zaps resulting in these errors still? 

Hey I am getting the same issue. But my usage is going up on OpenAI. So I think its getting through, Did you find a fix?



Hi Tre,

It’s best for you to wait till tomorrow. That’s what I did and the zap started working. 


Hey I am getting the same issue. But my usage is going up on OpenAI. So I think its getting through, Did you find a fix?


Yes I think that’s very likely, @garycheetham. It appears that there were a number of incidents reported for OpenAI on August 31st so they may well have had an affect on the OpenAI app actions even though Whisper wasn’t mentioned specifically.

It appears those incidents were since resolved. Are you continuing to see this error or are your Zaps running successfully now?

Thanks for the reply and the help @Troy Tessalone 

I see there is an ongoing issue with the chatgpt web interface. Although the status report does not mention whisper in the issue, it is possible that the ongoing problem with ChatGPT has bled over into the systems that handle Whisper


I will try again tomorrow.


Hi @garycheetham 

Good question.

The 504 “Gateway Timeout” Error indicates that the browser sent an HTTP request to the server and it did not receive a response in time from another server to complete the request.


Check the OpenAI status page:

Sometimes ongoing incidents with OpenAI can impact the OpenAI/ChatGPT Zap apps.
