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Keep getting this error. How do I fix this please? I tried a variety of the drop down labels and filling in with a name/subject. nada…



Hi there @Damo! 👋

Just wanted to check in to see how you’re getting on here. Looks like Troy’s spotted the cause of the issue here - the selected test record from the Zapier Tables trigger doesn’t appear to contain any values.

Were you able to since get it working by changing the test record with the necessary values? 

Once that “Required field "title" (title) is missing” error is cleared up I expect you’d run into another error regarding the values in the Organization and Owner fields that Troy mentioned. You can find out more about how to use custom values for dropdown fields here: Add custom values to dropdown menu fields in Zaps

Keen to ensure you’re all set here so please let us know if you still need any help at all! 


The mapped variables have “No data”.


These 3 fields expect the internal IDs as indicated by the 123 icon and as seen in the dropdown list of options.


How do I get the code for you?


Hi @Damo 

Good question.

We would need to see how your Zap step is configured in the Zap EDIT mode.