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Error: Failed to create an email to Microsoft Outlook, Unable to send an email: Resource could not be discovered.

  • 6 January 2023
  • 4 replies

I am reconfiguring an existing Zap -- directing it to a new Google sheet that has an identical structure -- and in testing it, I am hit with the now-dreaded “Resource could not be discovered” error messages. Zapier says I should check to make sure all fields have the right kind of data; they do.

What other things should I look to in order to defeat this error?

Hi @rickaltman 

Good question.

Can you provide screenshots to help us have more context about what you are experiencing?

Make sure the GSheet is shared with the GSheets account that is connected to Zapier.

Here is the result of my test. I have no idea what “resource” could not be “discovered.” How do I even begin to troubleshoot this? It worked all last summer, the Google Sheet rows are being populated properly, and this routine is connected to the proper sheet.

Thanks in advance for any help that can be provided.



Please provide a screenshot with how your Zap step is configured, thanks.

Hi @rickaltman, are you still experiencing trouble with this Zap? We’d love to help you out but we’ll need screenshots of your setup to do so. Please add screenshots of your full Zap when possible, thanks!