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Error: Failed to create a utility transform in Formatter by Zapier

  • 19 October 2022
  • 2 replies

I have an inquiry form on my Squarespace that creates a customer to my Square and then sends an email to my Gmail.

However, whenever the inquiry form info gets sent to Square and Gmail, it’s just all a jumbled mess. I tried adding a formatter and I keep getting the error message below.


Failed to create an utility transform in Formatter by Zapier

The app returned "Transform "New FormZip exampleLine 2 exampleOption One, Option TwoOption Onezapier-demo@squarespace.comCity exampleOption OneSmithJohn555

Hi @TLCco 

Good question.

Please post detailed screenshots with how your Zaps steps are configured in order for us to have context, thanks.

Hey there, @TLCco! Thanks for swinging by and posting in community! 

I took a quick peek and looks like you were able to reach out to my friends in support regarding this, which is awesome! In an effort not to duplicate efforts, feel free to continue troubleshooting there. 😊
Of course, if you’d like to share your end solution, please do! We’d love to know the end result. 🤗
