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I created a zap a few weeks ago that worked perfectly and still works. Downloading docusign completed docs and then uploading them to dropbox.

Fastforward to yesterday, I tried doing it again with another dropbox account and in the run history it says “Data hydration failure - some fields may be missing”.    At each step in the tests it worked fine - it was able to pull the envelope and upload the test one into the dropbox.   But when its actually set to automate the process it doesnt work. 


The dropbox account, the zapier account and the docusign account are all on the business plans.  Not really sure where ive gone wrong.  I even duplicated the zap that has been working great and just swapped out the accounts and it still fails. 


Any idea what im doing wrong or how to fix? 

Hey Troy,

Thank you so much for the reply!  Happy to report we were able to successfully figure it out.   

The option to “allow sender to download form data” in the sending settings for docusign for the account wasn't selected.   Once we did that and reconnected, it worked great and ended up being a super simple fix. 



Hi @mgard987 

Good question.

Make sure to manually test each Zap step again as the temp files expire after 24 hours.

Otherwise, please clarify what Zap step is returning that error and provide screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured, thanks.