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I keep getting this error when I test my trigger with Discord and Zapier

This is the full error:

Unable to pull channel messages

Please reload the page. If the issue persists, troubleshoot error or contact Support.

Error code: Error while retrieving: {"status":403,"headers":{"content-type":"application/json","retry-after":null},"content":"{\"message\": \"Missing Access\", \"code\": 50001}","request":{"url":""}}


Zapier has access to my Discord


YAY! 🎉🎉🎉 I’m so happy to hear that did the trick, @Celestial!
Seems like you’re all sorted for now, but please do reach out in the Community again if you run into any issues or questions in future. We’re always happy to assist! 😁

Hey there, @Celestial🙂
I wasn’t able to find anything on this end regarding 2FA causing that “Missing Access” error. I’m wondering if it could be down to Zapier not have Administrator access granted. Can you go to the Server Settings, and try adjusting the permissions for Zapier's role?
To do that you’d need to go to the Server Settings in Discord and then:

  1. Head over to the Roles settings
  2. Select Zapier from the list and click the on Permissions tab
  3. Scroll all the way down to Advanced Permissions
  4. Toggle on the Administrator setting:


Can you give that a try and let us know if that gets rid of the error? 

Omg, that worked. Thank you!!

Hey there, @Celestial🙂
I wasn’t able to find anything on this end regarding 2FA causing that “Missing Access” error. I’m wondering if it could be down to Zapier not having Administrator access granted. Can you go to the Server Settings, and try adjusting the permissions for Zapier's role?
To do that you’d need to go to the Server Settings in Discord and then:

  1. Head over to the Roles settings
  2. Select Zapier from the list and click the on Permissions tab
  3. Scroll all the way down to Advanced Permissions
  4. Toggle on the Administrator setting:


Can you give that a try and let us know if that gets rid of the error? 

I found out how to disable 2FA but it will not let me put the server on the Discord server discovery list if I disable it. Is there any way to get around this? 


Try doing some GSearches around this topic: Discord error 50001


"content":"{\"message\": \"Missing Access\", \"code\": 50001}

I already have MFA enabled on my Discord account, not sure if I need to enable it elsewhere and I have no idea how.


Found this from a GSearch:

Apparently, if the Discord server your Bot / integration mandates multi-factor authentication, the developer account associated with your Bot MUST have MFA enabled. I enabled it on my discord developer account, and the 50001 errors immediately resolved.

@Troy Tessalone How do I enable it? 


Found this from a GSearch:

Apparently, if the Discord server your Bot / integration mandates multi-factor authentication, the developer account associated with your Bot MUST have MFA enabled. I enabled it on my discord developer account, and the 50001 errors immediately resolved.


Does your Discord Zap app integration meet these criteria?

Do I need special account permissions in Discord to use Discord with Zapier?

You must be a Discord owner or manager to use Discord with Zapier.

@Troy Tessalone 

Yes, I am one of the Discord managers for the server. I have managing access. 


Does your Discord Zap app integration meet these criteria?

Do I need special account permissions in Discord to use Discord with Zapier?

You must be a Discord owner or manager to use Discord with Zapier.

Hi @Celestial 

Good question.


"Error: Missing Permissions"

To connect with Zapier, your bot user will need to have the "Manage Webhooks" permission in Discord:

Hello @Troy Tessalone 

I have connected the bot to my Discord account and I see it in authorized users, also the bot (Zapier) is in the server and has manage webhooks permissions. 

Hi @Celestial 

Good question.


"Error: Missing Permissions"

To connect with Zapier, your bot user will need to have the "Manage Webhooks" permission in Discord:
