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Getting weird error no matter what I do with Discord.



I already went through the forums and tried to make it work. 

This didn’t’ help:

This also didn’t help:


A lot of people on Reddit having the same problem but there’s no solution. 

I submitted a support ticket but support sucks so I haven’t heard anything back, at all.

Seriously frustrated after half a day wasted trying to fix this.

Anyone have any ideas?


Unfortunately, there won’t be specific documentation for every field in every trigger/action.


Often there is general documentation that covers common concepts for field types found in Zap steps.


For others trying to use dynamic values in dropdown fields...

Help article about using dropdown fields in Zaps:


Try adding this Zap step to get the Discord User ID.


Thanks for the help. I figured it out from your previous post before I saw this one.

OK I fixed. I had to add a step to look up the user and get the ID then add the role in an additional step. 

Zero documentation about this!



Try adding this Zap step to get the Discord User ID.


There is no number value. It’s just the value of the field. This makes zero sense.

There is no additional mapping of the data for the custom field. It’s just the data FROM the field.



Help article about using dropdown fields in Zaps:

The mapped value must match to the bottom value for a dropdown list option, which will be a number value.




I simply wanting to Add User Role in Discord. I used a custom field to pass it to tracking sheet then passing that info to the Discord step.


Doesn’t work. 


Hi @thereverend 

To help provide more context about your error, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured.
