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Hi there,


I am trying to simply send a file by email via Zendesk, which is the main customer communication channel we’re using.

Since Zendesk tickets are basically emails, I just want to send an email with attachment.

However, the Create Ticket in Zendesk action doesn’t allow to attach a file.


It looks like I have to 1. create the ticket, and 2. add the attachment to an existing ticket:


With that logic:

  • Either I create a ticket (first comment public) with some content, and then use attach file to ticket (with text/a comment).
    • In that case, the customer receives 2 consecutive emails -- bad
  • or I Create the ticket with a first private comment (~ an internal note in Zendesk), and then try to Add file as attachment
    • in that case the customer doesn’t receive any email -- worse
    • the Attach File to Ticket step keeps the private mode and doesn’t allow to change it, so the ticket exists with 2 private comments, the initial one and the second one + attachment
  • I also tried the Updating an existing Zendesk ticket or Adding Comment to Zendesk ticket actions, where I can select an existing ticket and specifically make further comments public
    • but again (like in the Create a ticket step), no option to attach a file in these action steps



Given that the Create/Update Zendesk ticket action doesn’t have a file/attachment field, I have tried adding my attachment to the Description field.


And I have tried using all possible file references (thinking maybe by a trick of the API a downloadable file  link would result in an attachment), e.g.:



If anyone knows a solution for that, that’d be awesome!

I’ll also take a workaround, if it provides the desired results at the cost of 1 or 2 extra steps… xD

And I’d also be keen on understanding why it’s not an existing feature -- sending a file by email via a CRM tool doesn’t seem like an far-fetched use case.


Lots of thanks in advance!!





Thanks for sharing Christina!

I also wanted to confirm that this also works the other way, where if you create a new ticket with the first comment as “private”, you can also follow that up with the “Attach File to Ticket” Action and attach a file with a “public” comment, so the user will be emailed the file & new comment, but not the first comment from the ticket creation.

Hey all! I wanted to swing by with some good news✨.

Actually my friend, Tim said it best so I’ll share his update from the email sent earlier today:

Tim here from Zapier, just writing to let you know that we’ve updated Zendesk App Action “Attach File to Ticket”. Previously, this action always created a new public comment on a ticket and attached a file to it. As a result, users would always be emailed/notified. With the update, you can now optionally specifiy if the comment should be “public” for same behaviour as before or “private”, which creates an internal note instead of a public comment and does not email/notify users. 

Feel free to share any questions you may have with us - we’re happy to help. 🙂

Happy zapping! ⚡️

Hi there, friends! I wanted to pop in and mention I can see OP was able to reach out to our friends in support. They were successfully added to an existing feature request as well!  @Lars P. I’ve also added your vote! 

While we don’t have an estimate on if or when this will be available, this will ensure ya’ll are emailed at that time. We’ll also be sure to keep the thread updated as well. 😊 Thanks again for taking the time to share your feedback with us!

Hmmm. Looks like we are in the same boat, kinda’.

I’m trying to privately / internally add an attachment to an existing ticket.  Unfortunately,  this is impossible.  Whenever there is a public comment added to the ticket, it also adds the file as a ‘public’ comment (so the requester also receives it).



The Zendesk API would likely have to be leveraged:


App APIs can be used in Zaps with the Webhooks app as an action step:



Hi @BobAlteo 

Good question.

And I’d also be keen on understanding why it’s not an existing feature -- sending a file by email via a CRM tool doesn’t seem like an far-fetched use case.

Most apps on Zapier are built and maintained by the app developers themselves.

Features and feedback requests can be sent via a ticket to Zapier Support to be logged:
