
ChatGPT error: While requesting "dev_file" from Airtable we ran into an error: Cannot read properties of undefined

  • 6 October 2023
  • 12 replies

I am attempting to generate a draft email with chatgpt. I have had this working successfully, however when I change the email prompt it returns an error (see attachment). I am sourcing data prompts from Airtable and returning the draft email to Airtable.

Any thoughts on what I'm missing?

12 replies

Userlevel 7
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It’s very strange that it appears to be working and then not working correctly at random, @ggreen17!

Keen to help get to the bottom of this so please do let us know what you find in the Zap History! 🙂 

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi there @ggreen17! 👋

Hmm, the error appears to be coming from the Airtable trigger. And it seems like the ChatGPT action is having some trouble accessing something from Airtable. Is there a file in the Airtable test record that the ChatGPT action is attempting to read that was since removed from Airtable perhaps? 

Can you try changing the test record on the Airtable trigger step and then test the ChatGPT action again to see if it’s then able to run successfully?

Looking forward to hearing how that goes! 

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Can you post screenshots with how your ChatGPT step is configured to give us more context about the error?


@SamB thanks for your help on this. It appears to be an issue with one of the sample files in Airtable as you suggested. I haven't worked out what the issue is just yet, but think it maybe missing email fields. 
Thanks again. 


@Troy Tessalone thanks for your help on this also. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Happy to help, @ggreen17! 🤗

Hmm, if it’s an issue with one of the fields not having a value, then is it that the ChatGPT action is expecting to receive a value from those fields?

In which case, how are the records added to Airtable currently - is it automated in some way or is it manual? Just wondering if there’s any way you can ensure that the email fields in Airtable always contain a value when a new Airtable record is created. 

As Troy mentioned, if you can share a screenshot showing the current settings and fields selected for the ChatGPT action that’ll help us to get some further context on how the ChatGPT action is currently set up. And better allow us make suggestions as to how best to handle cases where an email value may not be present in Airtable. Please remove/hide any private information from the screenshot before sharing (like names, email addresses etc.).

Thanks! 🙂

Hi @SamB 

It seems as though my thesis was incorrect. Unfortunately It is randomly failing and succeeding on the same line item. Quite strange. 

The data is populated using a Zap from another platform. 

Screen shots attached. 


Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Have you tried turning the Zap ON and testing live?

Then check your Zap Runs history for activity/issues.


@Troy Tessalone Thanks. Great tip. I will give that a go. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @ggreen17 

Good question.

To help us have more context, please post screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured.

If you’ve made changes to the Airtable Base Table being used, then you may need to add a new Zap step and remap the variables between Zap steps.

Thanks @Troy Tessalone. Here is a screenshot of the steps. Let me know if that’s not what you were after. 


Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Did you try this?

If you’ve made changes to the Airtable Base Table being used, then you may need to add a new Zap step and remap the variables between Zap steps.

Thanks @Troy Tessalone. At the ChatGPT step in the sequence no changes to the Airtable Base Table have been made. This only happens when the result is returned from ChatGPT. 
