
Can't update row in Google Sheets from Mysql

  • 10 October 2023
  • 8 replies

Hello all, after 3 days of trying to figure this out I’m at a loss.

I’m trying as the title says to update a google sheet when any row in a particular table in mysql is updated. I have the zap set up without errors yet it does not fire or trigger when the mysql table has been updated (which is the trigger). I have read through just about everything on the help site. Important notes:

  1. MySQL version is 5 something (under v8 in the help section)
  2. I understand there is lag from the time mysql updates
  3. The table I’m using in mysql does not have a date column that specifies when a row was updated

I think my zap error may reside in the 3rd step, under the Row portion, I have selected what I think is a lookup variable in 2. Row:3 by choosing Or add search step (this portion of the zap explains “If you want to update the same row each time select a row from the dropdown box. To dynamically update the row, click open the dropdown and choose the "Custom" tab, then the "Add a search step" button.” I have done this and selected 2. Row:3 because that is the only thing I see in the google sheet that is not an actual name of a header row in the google sheet. As mentioned the zap is not throwing any errors after I go through the process yet nothing is firing.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Screen captures are provide. 


8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @jasch 

The attachments didn’t upload.


That’s odd, when I did it they uploaded 71 times. Let’s see if this does it. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Have you reviewed the available help articles for using MySQL in Zaps?

Yes, I have but with no luck per my issue. I've stated a few points above I've learned from those articles. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi there @jasch,

It looks like you’ve reached out to our Support Team about this and they replied today with a suggestion. I’ll share details of the suggestion here in case it’s helpful:

First, I want to acknowledge the late response—I'm sorry we couldn't get back to you sooner! We're working through our backlog as quickly as we can, without compromising on the quality of our support.

I had a quick peek at the setup and I can see the Zap isn't triggering as the MD5 hash we make with the dedupe key + the updated_at isn't a unique value.

To resolve this, I would highly recommend adding a field to the table that has a date field, with a similar function as Last Modified At.

Once that has been added, you can then select it in the Order By field:

(Click here to view larger)

Once that change has been made, kindly turn the Zap back on/publish it for the changes to take affect. That should do the trick!

I hope that helps, but please let me know if there is anything else, thank you!

If you’ve got any questions regarding their suggestion it would be best to continue the conversation with them over email.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Thank you for your response. A few questions:

  1. You mention “adding a field to the table”. Are you referring to the mysql table and not the Google Sheet?
  2. If I add a a field named “Last_modified” how is that field getting updated within mysql table?. I’m assuming I’d have to write code on every page of my website that would update this field which is not what I’m looking to do. 

Thanks again,

Hi @ken.a I updated my table and created a field named Last_Modified. This field only has the date is was modified not the date and time. Does this matter for the trigger? I’m unsure how Zapier knows when to trigger the zap. Can you explain how this works please?

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @jasch,

Thanks for the update and additional information.

Since you have a ticket with our Support Team it’s best to continue this conversation over to them via email. They responded to your query yesterday. 

If you can’t locate their reply I’d recommend searching your spam/junk folder or searching your inbox for any emails from in case. Sometimes their emails can end up in the spam/junk folder by accident.

Thank you for your understanding.
