
Can't post reddit link more than once

I am completely inexperienced with this sort of thing so I might be missing something obvious.

I have a zap to post to reddit when an RSS feed updates. The RSS feed is for a podcast, and the link will be the same in each post. When I test the zap I get the error “This community doesn't allow links to be posted more than once, and this link has already been shared”, however if I just go to reddit and manually make the post I do not get an error. I’m not sure why it’s only returning this error on the zap and not on my manual post. Below are the RSS feeds I’m trying to use.

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey there, @max_drixton - I hear ya! If you decide to dig into this using Webhooks by Zapier I’ll drop some resources below:

It’s worth mentioning this is considered a slightly more advanced approach so any support will be limited.

Otherwise if you come across a workaround not involving webhooks, we’d love to know! 🙂

Thank you for the response  @nicksimard , I do have that setting turned off which is why I can post the same link to that subreddit myself. It is only when trying to use the zap that the error message appears. I suspect there is a way to do what I want by using an API request instead of the default “New Link Post” action, but I have 0 experience with using an API, so it may be impossible for me for now.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @max_drixton!

I can’t speak for Reddit, but I’ve experienced that with Twitter and I believe the reason is that you’re doing it via the API (which can be automated, and therefore runs the risk of being abused). So platforms tend to not want the exact same thing being shared repeatedly.

But if you go this page in Reddit (reddit .com/r/your-subreddit-here/about/settings) try turning this off, if you’ve got it enabled, to see if it helps:

NOTE: if you change this, that means that anyone can do the same, and not just you as a moderator. So proceed with caution.
