Attach image from parser to a message without image url
I’m using the Zapier email parser to zap a scheduled message into a Discord channel daily. The zap works fine except that when it displays the image attachment, it ALSO displays a long zapier url for the image. So it looks horrible.
Any idea how to JUST get the image in discord but not the image url?
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So I have tested some things and it looks like it will not be possible to do it without an URL. However, I think you can make it look more beautifull and pretty easily;
Run the Email parser as event
Add another “url shortener by zapier” action
Insert the URL from the attachment you send, and shorten this
Use this shortened URL instead of the long one to send a discord message.
This will look a lot nicer and I think the best way to create this I think. Let me know if this helps you.
Hi there @baldjake13 ,
It probably depends on where you are pulling this image from, and what kind of events you can use from this action in the Zap. Are you pulling this image from gmail or something?
I am not sure how you have set this up, a screenshot would give some more details. But you could try to insert a formatter action before you post it to discord and use Text → Extract Pattern to use regex to extract the text you want exactly.
Let me know if this helps you.
It’s coming from Gmail via the Spark app.
It’s straight text and an image attachment. (See below)
I definitely don’t know how to use a formater. Do you recommend one in particular? Would this just be added as an additional step in between the email send and the Discord share?
Thanks for the thoughts!
Can you make a few screenshots on your current Zap workflow? Which steps / apps are you using with what kind of variables? For example, which field are you using for the image file?
There is a “Format by Zapier” action which you can use. This is the most easiest way to format data to something you need.