I have been trying to add products to Zoho CRM via a webhook to my ecommerce site.
So far I have been able to:
COnnect webhook to website
Connect Zaper to Zoho
In my Zap I have the following steps:
Webhooks: Catchhook (Successful)
Zoho CRM - Find Module Entry (Search for email in Zoho from Webhook email) If no record found then create new Contact. (Succcessful)
Looping from Zapier, Create Loop from Line Items - Add the basic product elements for looping - like name, ID, Price, Qty, Category, Variant size. (Successful)
Zoho CRM Find Module entry (Search for products in Zoho from looped product name) If no record found then create products from the other looped elements. (Successful)
Zoho CRM Create module entry - FAIL. Invalid data. I have the required fields populated - ie showing what should be there. For some of the order fields I have picked from the Zoho data - Like Customer Name. But have used the looped elements for the fields such as product name, Quantity, Price.
ny ideas as to where I am going wrong? Do I need to complete more of the fields? or maybe some of the product data is incomplete, for example. Screenshots below

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