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Hey experts! This is something I'm sure all of you can connect with.

I'm looking to help as many people as possible to leverage technology, automation, and good strategy. Therefore, I've recently started a YouTube channel to summarize some of the concepts I've been teaching for years.

I really look up to all of you in this group, so it's your ideas and suggestions that I value most.

This is my first (actual) video, so any and all feedback or suggestions from you guys would be very much appreciated.

I'll also be making content specific to different tools, comparisons, concepts, and specific integrations (as long as I can keep myself on track and focused 😛 ).

Very Good Informations.

As a follow-up, now even more relevant, the basics of Zapier!

I'd be interested in hearing how you guys break these concepts down, did I miss anything (remember that this is pure basics - advanced and more descriptive comes later 😛 )

Thanks @CourtneyBaker and doing that now @bentossell !

@BlakeBailey happy for you to email me ben @ makerpad . co :)

@BlakeBailey <--> @bentossell you guys should connect! Blake is awesome at video tutorials, webinars, customer success. Tom is awesome at no-code automation, community building, content creation.

@CourtneyBaker great to see you here! Hope you're doing well my friend 🙂 I've checked them out before, I'd love to partner with them. If you know someone, I'd love an intro if you are open to it.

Hey Blake, you should also talk to the team at MakerPad

Build & operate businesses without code | Makerpad

@Patrick amazing, thank you for watching and letting me know about them. I fully agree, I am definitely looking to connect with as many people in the space to combine efforts and help more people. If you think of anyone else, please keep me updated! Thanks again :)

Nice work. You should probably connect with the folks over at