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I have a zap that is taking order information and moving it to excel sheets on google drive.  I have created an IF statement so that if Column I = * then take the date from Column B and add * to the date;

It looks something like this: IF(I2=74072,(B2+30),IF(I2=74076,(B2+7),IF(I2=74053,(B2+1)……etc, etc


My issue is that it works on the first row (2), but when it moves to the next rows, it doesn’t change to I3 and stays as I2.

Any idea how to make excel sheets change it to relate to the row it is in?

Hi @Armydragon 

Just checking in. Did you get sorted in the end?


Try these functions as part of the formula:







If formula added to row 3, then formula pulls value from A3

Thanks @Troy Tessalone but that wasn’t what I was looking for.

I am looking for something that will auto align to a certain column in that particular row.

When the formula gets posted to Google Sheets, it just comes up with the I2 formula in each row after I2 (row 3, 4, 5, 6, etc).  I tried using $I2 but this wont do it and just copies that formula the same as above.

What I am looking for is for some way to get the formula to automatically make it I2, I3, I4, I5, I6, etc without me manually having to auto fill it on Google Sheets.

The formula with INDIRECT and ROW willdo that.