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WooCommerce to Zoho -> New Order: Invoice, Update Stock for all items

  • 23 November 2022
  • 1 reply

I’m trying to figure out how Zapier can help me integrate WooCommerce with Zoho (Books, inventory).

This is a new website, with a new Zoho installation, and I haven’t bought the Zapier WooCommerce plugin yet (I understand that will be a requirement to start the testing)

My intention would be to: 

  1. When an order is marked complete, create a new invoice in Zoho (Books I think, probably Invoices)
  2. If 1) is possible.. Does that additionally discount stock for the line items?
  3. If it doesn’t, is there an additional Zapier to update the stock for each product in the order?

Thanks a lot! 

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @charlyarg!

To answer your questions:

  1. Based on what I see here ( it does appear that your workflow is possible:


  2. As for updating the stock, I assume you mean on the WooCommerce end of things, correct? For that, in the Update Product action you’re able to set the stock. In order to know what to add there, however, you’d have to first use the Find Product action then perform some math to determine what to use as that new stock number.

That second part could get a bit tricky when there are multiple line items in an order. Pretty sure you’d then have to look into Looping by Zapier so you can adjust the stock levels of all those products.

Hope that helps!