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Hi guys, need your advice!

I needed to adjust one of my existing zaps as I needed to get more rows in google sheets and 20 rows in “get many spreadsheet rows” wasn’t enough anymore. When I noticed the problem, my zap was already running and I couldn’t turn it off and, also my trigger is “New entry in Zoho forms” and a new entry could be done anytime.

So, I created a copy of the zap and adjusted it by adding the step “get many spreadsheet rows” and some other changes, but my original zap is still running and “on delay”.

Finally, I’m getting to my question. If I will turn on the new adjusted copy of the zap, and then turn off the original zap (its status now is on “waiting” due to delay app) will the zap continue functioning with the copied one? Won’t it stop as the original one will be turned off?

Thank you!


You’re most welcome, @Janka. I’m so glad my reply here was helpful! :)

Hi @SamB,


thanks for your reply, helped a lot not to cause any catastrophy! :) 

Clarified perfectly!

Hey @Janka,

Welcome to the Community! The two Zaps are considered as separate Zaps, so any changes made to the copied Zap shouldn’t affect the original one.

If the original Zap that’s currently delayed is turned off, any runs of the Zap that are currently delayed and haven’t finished running will be stopped and won’t be resumed when the Zap is switched back on. You can find out more about this here: Add delays to Zaps > Additional limitations

Hope that helps to clarify! :)