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Just wondering when zapier gonna support gmail x slack integration with consumer gmail account which ends with `` ?

Hey folks, just popping by here to share that the feature request has recently been closed as it’s now possible to use both Gmail and Slack apps in a Zap without requiring a G Suite account. 😁🎉

You can find out more about this in announcement here: Gmail app restrictions have been removed for personal Gmail accounts

That said, if you run into any trouble using Slack in a Zap with a Gmail trigger / action that’s connected to a personal Gmail account, please do reach out to us in the Community or to our Support team and we’ll be happy to help. In the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡️ 


I split this off into it’s own topic since it’s a great question.

While we don’t have a time frame when this will be available, it’s definitely on our radar. In the meantime, I’ve added your vote to this feature request so we’re able to track interest internally. It also ensures you’re kept in the loop via email once this does become available! We’ll be sure to update the thread with any news. 🙂

Welcome to the Community! 🎉