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I’m using a signed DocuSign agreement to push client data to multiple systems. The data that was entered during the DocuSign isn’t valid for upcoming steps of the Zap, so the Zap is being halted. 

Having the client resign the agreement is a situation I don’t care to explain.

Is there a way to manually change the “data in” on certain steps of a specific Zap in progress so it can continue to run? 




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Hey @Troy, thanks for the reply. Even if I did the manual step by step, it doesn’t change that I cannot change the source data, so I’m out of luck there. Really wish Zapier would figure out a solution for this use case.

Hi @kevinwphelps 

Generally data points can’t be manually edited once the Zap has fired.

If it’s a recent record, then you may be able to manually test each Zap step.

Help article about changing the Zap’s test trigger data:

NOTE: Adding/removing/changing Zap steps can prevent a failed Zap from being able to be replayed.

Check out this help article about replaying failed Zaps: