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Is the lookup table on the Utilities formatter case sensitive? I have “Alabama” in the table but it isn’t working if the field is alabama. 

Hey @Starrfocks!  You can find more details on the Lookup Table here:

Data in computers is usually handled in “Key / Value” pairs, with the Key being the data on the left in a lookup table and the Value being the data on the right.  When your Lookup Table runs, it is comparing the input with Keys on the left and if should any match, we send the Value on the right as the output to that step.

Troy has some great suggestions to keep in mind when setting this up.  Feel free to have a play and let us know if you run into any snags along the way 👋


You’d need to have all the possible variations to lookup, for example:





OR use another Formatter step to put the value in all UPPER Case, then have all the Lookup Table keys (left side) be in UPPER Case. (e.g. ALABAMA)

@Paolo How do I create a key?

@Starrfocks, hope you’re doing well!


Yes, the Lookup table in Utilities in the Formatter app is case sensitive. You’ll need to either ensure that the source data provides the exact match to the Lookup table or create a key for both upper case and lower case variations of the key. 


Hope that clarifies things!