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I try to create a bill in Xero from Zoho inventory by using Zoho sheet as a bridge.


I download the bill data into Zoho sheet (with Zoho flow).

Then pull the info from this table and create a bill in Xero.

I solved all the issues except one.


We have taxable and tax free items which we purchase.

The Tax can be different by each product line.


Does anybody know how I can solve this?





So in Xero I found the Tax rate field and from ZI bill I can pull the item tax rate (it can be 0 or 10)

Xero predefined options for this field:

  • GST free income and
  • GST on income

I couldn’t figure out how I could make that the “Item tax rate” would result one of the predefined options.


Hi @Greg_sm 

So if you have different tax rates for each product, then you need to use a custom field in that zoho product and write down the tax in percentage or fixed rate for each one. Then, when a the line-items goes to Zapier, it will be easier to map to the Xero invoice creation.