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Update Asana with GitHub number

  • 30 October 2020
  • 2 replies

WE have created a Zap that creates tasks in Github when we add specific tags to tasks in Asana. This works perfect. But we would realy like that github should update asana with the github task number. So the flow should be like this:

New task in asana → ZAP → A new task created in GitHub

A new task created in GitHub → ZAP → Updates the task in ASana with GitHub number.

Is there any suggestion for how to do this?




Hi @ArnfinnKamel 

When you test the Github->Create Task step in the zap editor, does it return some data to you? If so, the task ID is probably included and then you just need to add an Asana->Update Task step to your zap.

@AndrewJDavison_Luhhu Thanks a lot for your help. 🙂 It did the trick.