
Typeform start date field is not being pulled through by Zapier

  • 10 April 2020
  • 1 reply



I have created a zap between Typeform and Google Sheets - Typeform has a field called Start Date to record data on when someone starts a form -- Zapier is not pulling this field through - my question is how can I get Zapier to pull this form field for “start date” through?



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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi there!

It’s going to be hard to solve this one without getting a bit more information. Is the field not coming through when you test the trigger step in the Zap editor? Or does it show up there but is then missing when the Zap runs live?

Have you made sure to submit a form in order to make sure that the most recent set of form fields comes through?