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Hi all,  Zapier newbie. 

I have a Typeform survey collecting data staffing level data and am trying to push it into Excel (Office 365 business license) as a new row. I have used the prebuilt Zap for this. 

The data appears in Excel, however the data is aggregated into one cell i.e. one column and one row, rather than split out across multiple columns in one row. 

I’m not sure really on what I’m missing and some clear guidance on how to make the zap work would be much appreciated. 


Thanks in advance.  Nin  

Hi @Nin-CV19 

Can you show us screenshots of how you have the Excel step setup?

Thanks @AndrewJDavison_Luhhu 

I finally figured this out. 


In Excel you need to have set up columns header names as opposed to leaving completely blank.

By naming the columns, Zapier can then fetch them and present them as options to insert relevant data items too. Without the column names, Zapier was inserting data collected into one cell.