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Tool about automatic audit ??

  • 1 September 2020
  • 2 replies

Hi everyone, 

I would like to know if is it possible to create a personalized audit from a database ? The goal is to automate the audit and personalized as much as possible the audit. I’m working for a compagny and I trying to find someways to make life easier. 

I think you understand what I explain, make an audit for each clients take me a lots of times. 

Great days,

Ps: apologize for my mistakes in english.

Hi @Julien-french 

Just checking in - did you get this sorted?

Hi @Julien-french


When you say that you would like to make an audit, could you give us some more details?


What happens in the audit? What information do you need to look at or search? What do you want to do with that information? If we have some more details then we can help you to get started 🙂