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Hi there,

I’ve managed to get new tickets created in Jira when a new ticket is created in ConnectWise.

What I’d now like to do is create a Zap so that when a time entry/comment is added in ConnectWise this adds into Jira. I’ve got the Zap built and I can see where you have the option to create a comment in Jira but I can’t see how you can read the source time entry/comment from ConnectWise. When I’m choosing the field for the new Jira comment there’s no field that references comment, time entry or notes. 

I fear that Zapier can add comments into Jira from ConnectWise and vise-versa but can't read them and use them as a field.

Can anyone help?



@matthancock ,

Checking in to see if you were able to get this ConnectWise Zap squared away. If you can share the trigger you were initially hoping to use, we’re happy to add to a feature request :relaxed:

Hi @matthancock, if you can’t see the fields in the ConnectWise data then it’s likely that you wont be able to pull that information in via Zap. Could I ask which ConnectWise trigger you’re using? I can check to see if we have a feature request to add the data you’re looking for for that trigger 🙂