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I have a jotform created that allows people to sign up for and purchase a course. I’m trying to create a zap that will then auto-enroll them in the course on teachable. I’m getting an error on the Required field "Email" (email) is missing. I’ve made sure that the email field is required on jotforms end, I have reconnected jotforms, reloaded all pages.


I have tried using a filter between jotform but the filter fails each time. I have tried changing the condition on the field to “exists” “boolean is true” “ends with” (and then putting .com as the value). All of them fail. Again the field I’m looking for is required on jotforms end. 

I haven’t tried using the formatter step because it doesn’t make sense for what I’m trying to do which is take one specific, of the potentially 2, email addresses input on this jotform and use it to create and enroll a student into a course on teachable along with their name. I’m getting an error on the email address field. 


I’m not sure what to do at this point.


Error message states your need a higher Teachable plan.


Teachable plan type

  • Teachable triggers on Zapier are available on Teachable's Basic plan and up.
  • Teachable actions are only available on Teachable's Professional plan and up.

If the connected account is not on a Teachable Professional plan or up, the Zap will show a "401 - You can't do that" error when you try to use an action.

Teachable offers more details on the difference between plans.

@Troy Tessalone hey there, here’s some screenshots! Any help would be greatly appreciated. We also reached out to Zap support directly and still haven’t heard back. 


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Hi @lawsonhouse 

Good question.

Can you please post screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured to give us more context?

Here’s a help article about how to change the trigger test data to help you configure the Zap: