
Smartsheet - match unique column IDs to update fields?

  • 5 January 2021
  • 1 reply

Hello - I am new to Zapier and can’t am unclear if the Zap I hope to build is possible. I have done a few hours of reading, and don’t see any mention of what I need to do. It seems so basic, I feel I must have missed something. Any help is most welcomed!


End goal -- make 1 Smartsheet sheet that updates only select column fields from Excel data leaving the rest of the column fields untouched by the Zap. I want to Zap to find corresponding Project ID’s then update select fields.


How I envision the workflow: 

  1. When new rows are created in our single Excel sheet it triggers the Zap
  2. The Zap searches the single Smartsheet for matching Project ID fields. 
  3. When matching Project ID’s are found fill only selected Smartsheet cells with Excel data.
  4. Remaining Smartsheet cells remain untouched by the Zap (meaning 4 out of 10 columns will be updated but the rest stay as untouched)

To put it another way:

FIND: Smartsheet column 1 “ID #1” = Excel column 1 “ID #1”

REPLACE: Smartsheet Columns 2-5 with data from Excel Columns 2-5 using the ID’s

DO NOT REPLACE: Smartsheet Columns 6-10 


Work around ideas - if it isn’t possible to go from excel to Smartsheet could I accomplish Smartsheet to Smartsheet? Smartsheet to Excel? 

Just trying to find any way to update ONLY select columns based on a shared Row ID # between 2 spreadsheets.

Thank you very much for reading this post! I look forward to hearing your input!


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Userlevel 7
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Hi @GwenM!

Because Smartsheet’s integration does not have a Find Row search action, that means that you’ll need the Row ID to be in the trigger step (you mentioned Excel). 

Not sure if your data is set up in such a way that you can do that. If so, you would have a column in the Excel spreadsheet then you’d map that here:

That’s the Row ID field in the New Row Update action for Smartsheet.

Then you would only map Excel values (from your trigger step) to the Smartsheet columns you want to update (in your action step). The ones you leave empty should remain untouched and will retain the original data that was there before you updated it.

Hope that helps point you in the right direction.