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Shopify to Firebase

  • 3 August 2020
  • 1 reply

I would like to export all our orders from Shopify to Firebase. 3 issues that I'm facing:

  1. No way to just get the entire order into firebase and have to define every single field
  2. Can't get line items as nested json inside an order
  3. Can't get billing address as 1 single json object.

Can anyone please help with any of the above?


Hello 👋


A few clarifying questions on this. 


  1. No way to just get the entire order into firebase and have to define every single fiel

How else would you like to do this? Are you not able to build your JSON with the fields from Shopify?

  1. Can't get line items as nested json inside an order

Can you show me an example of this? Have you tried formatting it using Formatter/Code-step?

  1. Can't get billing address as 1 single json object.

How is it sending to you? Can you build your JSON directly in the task?