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I am trying to setup a Zap that will send an Email Template to a Customer with Attachment. I am using JobNImbus, and JobNimbus does not allow Automation triggers to send Attachments. Here is what I want to happen:

  1. On Status Change of JobNimbus I need it to trigger an email to a customer with a specific Attachment located in Google Drive.
  2. A Email template with custom verbiage created by me should be the body of the email. 

Please help!

Hi @AaronTru392 

Ok, great.

So, after the JN trigger you should add a Google Drive “Find File” step to get back the file you need to attach and then you can add a “Gmail → Send Email” step.

Let us know if you get stuck at all!

If we can send it through JobNimbus that would be great but through GSuite works as well.

Hi @AaronTru392 

Do you mean you want to send the email from within JobNimbus, or are you open to using something like GSuite/Outlook to send the email?