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We’re using Schedule by Zapier to send daily emails to contacts stored in Storage by Zapier.

Storage contains multiple keys with different values for each contact, for example:

- Customer’s email
- Customer’s first name
- Customer’s favorite color
- Customer’s birth date

How do we send a daily email to each of the contacts, where the variables above are replaced with the proper values for each contact?

We configured SMTP by Zapier, but it only sends to one contact, not all.

Are increments or round robins somehow involved here?  We simply want to schedule a daily email broadcast to all contacts, where the values of the keys are customized (much like an autoresponder might do).

Thanks much!

Hi Liz,

Thanks so much for the reply.  Indeed email automation was the way to go in tandem with a couple of zaps.

Thanks again!

Hi @samononuy ,

Thanks for reaching out- sorry for the delay in responding! 

So I make sure I’m clear on your use case, could you share a bit more about how you are using Storage? I’m wondering if it’s possible to use email automation to achieve your desired workflow and streamline things a bit, but look forward to hearing more about your particular use case!

Will be on the lookout for your response so we can dig deeper!