
Send emails (Gmail) with attachment (Google Drive) from a Google Sheet list

  • 2 September 2021
  • 2 replies

  • Anonymous
  • 0 replies

I keep building this automation the wrong way and just need a second brain to help me out because it's a combination of troubleshooting issues. The problem to solve is this: I run a summer camp that requires constant emailing to a variety of groups on a daily basis. For example I have to email parents four times for every week of camp they come because that’s just how much reinforcement and pacing parents need. 

For added context: using an email system like Mailchimp has not been successful because of filters in emails now. It almost always gets ignored or set to the trash, and the information in each is separate, important, and immediate so making sure they get it and see it is of top priority. 

I want to make an automation that: 

1) calls a list of emails from a specific sheet (Google Sheets) 
2) Set up an email draft with those on the list tagged under BCC to send to myself. (Gmail)
3) Attach documents to this specific email OR use a template that has the attachments ready to go (Gdrive to Gmail)
4) Send that email to that list (gmail)

How doable is this with Zapier or should I look at another program? I feel like it’s possible. I know I’d probably need to make four different zaps for the four emails I send unless there’s a way to add a trigger at the end of the zap that tells the next email when to send? Any thoughts on this would be much appreciated.

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2 replies


20 - 30 emails! 

Ah. I see. It was worth a shot but explains why I was getting stuck. Because it is a lot to figure out logically. Thank you though for trying! 

Userlevel 7
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Hi @GameWorlds 

How many emails are on the list?

GSheets has these actions available, but those are limited.

Better to use an emailing service that has lists.
Otherwise you’ll have to add some pretty complext logic to handle looping/pagination, etc.
NOTE: Email delivery is a notoriously finicky endeavor as there are many factors that go into delivery, so it cannot be guaranteed.